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Stories from the Field

Let’s Celebrate Jacquelyne from Gokwe North, Zimbabwe, This Mother's Day!

By Amanda Whitmyer on May 11, 2023

In the communities we serve across the globe, sustainable agriculture and income-generating programs have helped mothers and their children thrive by improving their quality of life through nutritious meals and education – providing a newfound sense of hope and purpose. 

In honor of Mother’s Day, we celebrate Jacquelyne, a wife and mother who lives in Gokwe North, Zimbabwe. The community where she lives is prone to droughts and wildlife disruptions, which creates challenges for her family to harvest healthy crops. The Planting Seeds for Strong Communities project, implemented by Rise Against Hunger and impact partner ADRA International, establishes home-grown school feeding programs and trains farmers in climate-smart agriculture to support long-term food security in Zimbabwe. 

After participating in the project and receiving Village Savings and Loan Association group training, Jacquelyne now earns an income, which she uses to pay for her education and her children’s school fees. Jacquelyne has not only felt more empowered, but she has also inspired other women in her community to become entrepreneurs.

“The introduction of the [program] liberated and empowered me. I now know that I must be an entrepreneur in order to make money. I was able to buy some goats and pay for my education. I was also able to pay for my children’s academic fees,” Jacquelyne said.

Jacquelyne has also seen her children’s focus at school improve. “My children enjoy going to school because they are given food by Rise Against Hunger…I am grateful for this [program],” Jacquelyne said. She also provides meals at home for her family, alongside her husband, Blyberg, with the help of the community sheller and oil-pressing machine. Watch this video to learn more about Jacquelyne’s remarkable journey in Zimbabwe.

Together, we can create a world where no mother has to worry about where the next meal will come from. Make Mother’s Day even more meaningful by donating to empower mothers like Jacquelyne to create a brighter future for their families.