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Rise Against Hunger Experience

Preparation Guide

We’re so thrilled that your group will be engaging in a Rise Against Hunger Experience with us. This page is your guide to everything you need to know to have the best experience ever.


Event Preparation Tips


Setting Up Your Event

We hope you’re as excited as we are for your upcoming event! Here’s a handy checklist to reference as you prepare the event space and organize your volunteer group:

  • Gather brooms and dustpans 
  • Ensure trash receptacles are handy 
  • Set up tables. Rectangular tables work best, 6' or 8'. You’ll need, on average, 1 table for every 5 volunteers expected at the event.
  • Designate two extra tables as a space where people can go to learn more about Rise Against Hunger.
  • Set out your printed volunteer registration sheets. This will be emailed before your event with your online registration link. 
  • Assemble a welcome/registration team. Your Rise Against Hunger event facilitator will provide further instructions for this team. 
  • Identify and confirm a setup and clean-up team. We’ll need 6-8 volunteers for every 100 people expected. Please ensure that half of the group can lift 50 lbs. 
  • Clear a path from the truck. Is there a clear pathway from the truck to the packaging space? Avoid steps, door dividers and other obstacles. 
  • Meet the truck. Please designate a volunteer to meet the Rise Against Hunger truck, or clearly reserve a parking spot using traffic cones. Check with your facilitator about any height restrictions that could impact truck parking. 
  • Ingredients will be moved into the packaging room and meal packaging stations will be set up for your Rise Against Hunger experience.

Technology Requirements

As a part of your event set-up, please have your technology set up and ready to go. This will help us share our meal packaging instructions, food safety precautions, and incredible stories of impact.

Room Layouts


Number of Volunteers
Meal Assembly Stations 16
Weigh & Seal Stations 12
Count & Boxing Stations 6
Runners & Sustainers 6

Number of Volunteers
Meal Assembly Stations 40 5 Per Station
Weigh & Seal Stations 24
Count & Boxing Stations 9 3 Per Station
Runners & Sustainers 7

Number of Volunteers
Meal Assembly Stations 60 5 Per Station
Weigh & Seal Stations 36 18 Per Station
Count & Boxing Stations 12 3 Per Station
Runners & Sustainers 12

Number of Volunteers
Meal Assembly Stations 100 5 Per Station
Weigh & Seal Stations 60
Count & Boxing Stations 21 3 Per Station
Runners & Sustainers 19

*Your Facilitator might suggest a different layout based on your group's unique needs.

Food Safety Guidelines

With utmost concern for the health and nutrition status of our meal recipients, we prioritize food safety at our Rise Against Hunger Experience events. Here are the safety guidelines your facilitator will share with your group. The first step is putting on a hairnet — all hair must be covered. Hats and caps can be worn over hairnets if desired. Beard nets will be provided as needed.

  • The next step is washing your hands with a hand wipe. Make sure to scrub all surfaces of your hands and wrists for 20 seconds.
  • Once hands are clean, if you touch anything unsanitary like your cell phone, hairnet, or purse – or if you cough and sneeze, you must re-sanitize. If you use the restroom, make sure to wash your hands and re-sanitize. 
  • If you are chewing gum, please drop it in the waste basket before you wash your hands. 
  • No food, beverages or personal belongings in the meal packaging area. 
  • Those who scoop the ingredients or weigh the meal bags need to wear single-use food service gloves. If you touch anything unsanitary or use the bathrooms, throw the gloves away and get a new pair.
  • All volunteers must remove jewelry (like watches, bracelets, rings) with the only exception being plain wedding bands. 
  • If you have been sick in the past two days, please speak to a Rise Against Hunger event facilitator before we get started.

Additional Safety Tips

  • Adjust the room temperature. It’s a good idea to lower the temperature in the room before volunteers arrive to prevent them from overheating during the event.
  • Choose a safety volunteer. It’s best to identify someone who can provide basic first aid or seek help during the event.
  • Provide a water station for volunteers. Remember, this should be away from the main packaging space.
  • As a reminder, no food, beverages or personal belongings will be allowed in the packaging space.
During Event

Your Event Space & Logistics


Kicking Off Your Event

Volunteers will be guided to a meal packaging station or an appointed gathering space. Once all volunteers arrive, the Experience can begin. Your Facilitator will greet all volunteers and introduce them to Rise Against Hunger’s mission. We’ll play a video if AV equipment is available to show you an example of the impact your meals will make. 

Your facilitator will provide instructions for each volunteer station and review safety procedures. They will also be there to answer questions, troubleshoot, and provide guidance to make sure the meal goal is reached. Throughout the event, we’ll ring the gong to celebrate meal milestones!


The meal assembly station is responsible for adding ingredients to meal bags. Fill the meal bags in the order listed below:

Task Amount / Bag
Do not open the vitamin packets.
1 Packet
Hold bag under funnel and
put filled bags in runner box.
SOY PROTEIN 1 Level Scoop
Must be added last.
1 Level Scoop

It is very important that each person puts in the exact leveled amount of their meal component; this prevents Weighers from extra adjustments, increasing the line’s productivity.

Weigh and Seal Team

Following meal assembly, the weigh station is responsible for weighing each meal bag to ensure it weighs 379-384 grams following the steps below:

1. Place the basket on the scale, turn the scale on, and reset the scale to read 0 grams with the designated tray on top of the scale.
2. Place the bag of food in the basket. Weight must be between 379-384 grams.
3. Add or remove rice until the bag reaches a weight between 379-384 grams.
4. After the bag has been weighted accordingly, place it in the designated bin in front of a sealer.

After the weigh station, the sealer station is responsible for ensuring the bag is airtight and sealed appropriately following the steps below. Please use caution when using the sealer, as they may get HOT! 

1. Hold the corners of the bag to flatten and place the flat end under the sealer.
2. Hold down on the sealer lever for about 3 seconds to ensure the bag is sealed.
3. When the sealer arm is pressed down a red light will turn on. When it turns off the sealing is finished.
4. Check to make sure the bag is fully sealed.

Count and Box Team

At the boxing station, volunteers will count all the meal bags and pack them into boxes. They will also keep track of completed boxes following the steps below:

1. Collect the meal bags from the sealers.
2.Place a tracking label in the designated spot on each meal bag.
3. There are 18 squares, two on each will give you 36 bags.
4. Once each square is covered, grab an empty box and put all 36 bags in the box, as your facilitator demonstrates.
5. Tape the box shut.
6. Stack the boxes neatly into the stacks around the room.

Runner and Sustainer Team

The runner team takes the full clear bins of meals from the meal assembly stations to the weigh stations. The team should retrieve the empty clear runner bins from the weigh stations and return them to the meal assembly station.


In addition to the runner, the sustainer team is responsible for refilling the rice, soy, vegetables and vitamins at the meal assembly station. It’s important to note that members of this team must be able to lift 50 lbs. throughout the event.

Assembly Line Flow Chart

Below is an overview of your Rise Against Hunger meal packaging assembly line floor chart. This provides a birds-eye view of how each station works together in a synchronized way from start to finish. When your event facilitator walks through the meal packaging stations, they will further explain how this creates a positive event experience as everyone collaborates. 

After Event

Closing Remarks and Next Steps


Wrapping Up Your Event

As you approach the end of your event, your facilitator will gather your volunteers to hear closing remarks. We want to thank every participant for their hard work and provide opportunities for them to discover what’s next in their journey to end hunger.

Be sure to talk to your event facilitator ahead of time about what the best call-to-action for your group might be to continue your support in growing the movement. Also, visit Rise Against Hunger’s website to learn even more about how you can help nourish the lives of people facing hunger and empower communities worldwide. 

Cleaning Up Your Event

Once your event is complete and volunteers have reached the meal packaging goal, your event facilitator will help guide your designated clean-up team on the next steps.

  • The facilitator will provide simple cleanup instructions for each volunteer station before ending the event
  • The predetermined clean-up team will remain behind and wait for specific instructions
  • All finished meals, equipment, and remaining ingredients will be loaded back onto the Rise Against Hunger vehicle. 
  • Any additional room clean-up necessary can occur and make sure you have cleaning wipes on hand to wipe soy dust off the tables.

Meals Begin Their Journey

The meals packaged at your event will begin their initial journey to their destination. In the weeks following your event, we’ll connect with you and share an email with an update on where your packaged meals will travel to nourish the lives of children and families facing hunger, leading to resilience, self-sufficiency, education, empowerment and bright futures. It Starts With a Meal™, and it starts with you! 

Show your impact in action

Play Rise Against Hunger Videos at Your Event

Once provided internet access, set up an AV system, if available. This connection will enable your event facilitator to show the Rise Against Hunger mission video, meal packaging instructional video and a slideshow of images of our beneficiaries.

Our facilitator will have these items on a USB drive, or your AV technician can download the videos from our Rise Against Hunger Vimeo Channel before the event.

Vimeo Channel
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